GBP1500 INTO GBP3800

once again i have numerous emails asking for trading tips,  but all i can do is lead you guys to the water, but it is up to you to drink it,

as per usual my previous posts on various platforms are basically the same, i give a view about certain market moves and or my opinion on the eventual outcome or prior action to take.

well it is 10. 53 London time as i write this post and i am trying to keep my eye on news night to clean any info that could possibly affect Wednesdays market as it opens, why ? well this week, i include Sundays as the start of the week, i have made GBP3800 on my starting GBP1500 in three days alone, this is particularly good as that level of profit is normally achieved over a month or two.

so now the question from you will be how and, in all honesty all i can do is point you in the direction of my link below, the fact is as i am not acting as a broker for any reader of my updates/views on the market i cannot provide anything other than a direction as to the tools i use to achieve my results/profits.



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